Reasons You May Require a House Demolition

17 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog


House demolitions are something homeowners will typically have seen on television rather than experienced first-hand. Generally, your home will hold a lot of sentimental value, especially if you have lived there for a significant period of time. However, this does not exempt you from the possibility of needing these services down the line. Here are some of the common reasons why you may require a house demolition.

Compromised foundation

The foundation of your home is what keeps it erect and steady. If this is compromised, then the entire structural integrity of your home will be at risk. There are a number of reasons why you may have to consider a house demolition due to your foundation. For one, the earth's plates may shift over time thus changing the position of your home's foundation.

Alternatively, if you have trees on your compound their roots may begin to grow horizontally thus directly interfering with the foundation of your home. If your contractor points out an unstable foundation, it is pertinent to seek out house demolition services post haste as you could be putting your life and your loved ones at risk by leaving it unchecked.

Landowner protection

Another reason you may need house demolition is if there are squatters on your property. It is not uncommon for some people to purchase land then leave it untouched. This could be as you wait to save money to embark on construction on the land. While waiting, squatters could take up residence on your land by building temporary structures on it. In this instance, house demolition would be required to protect your rights as the landowner. However, it should be noted that some legal recourse would be required before you get the go ahead to undertake the demolitions.

Pest infestations

One of the most notorious pests that will compromise the structural integrity of a home are termites. This is especially common if you opted for wood construction and did not sufficiently have the wood treated before erecting the home. Over time, you may find that the structure has been overrun by these critters and would be impossible to save.

Rather than keep on living on the property, you would require a house demolition to completely eradicate the damage that has been caused. This is pertinent since if left undeterred, the house can begin crumbling on its own accord and this will pose a risk to you as well as any structures that may be adjacent to the home.

Learn more about your options by consulting resources like Dig Dig Pty Ltd.